If your income STOPPED TODAY how long could you pay your bills before RUNNING OUT OF MONEY??? What would happen to you and your family????
Ask any top injury attorney what they most often see their clients face after a major illness or injury - the anwer is always the same. BANKRUPTCY, FORECLOSURE and DIVORCE!
YOUR MOST VALUABLE "ASSET" IS YOUR INCOME, your paycheck each month, year after year. Your INCOME is what PAYS for it all. If you lose your income to a disability - you lose everything.
If you die of cancer, do you get "SICK" first or "DIE" first? Doesn't it make sense to INSURE in the order that events happen? Shouldn't Disability Income Protection should come BEFORE Life Insurance.
Because of what they see every day!
If you only have "Health" Insurance (Medical) but you don't have any comprehensive Disability Insurance (DI) you are only "HALF" covered. The doctors and surgeons get paid, the hospitals get paid, the pharmacists and physical therapists get paid - DI PAYS YOU!
If you were presented with two job opportunities, one WITHOUT any Income Protection and one WITH Income Protection, that paid 2% less in salary - but it paid you 67% of your income tax-free if you were totally disabled... which job would YOU choose?
Council for Disability Awareness
Disability Awareness, Long Term Disability Claims Review, 2014
FALSE. The vast majority of disabilities are caused by ILLNESSES such as heart attack, cancer, stroke, diabetes, MS, ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease and Parkinson's, etc.
Disability Awareness, Long Term Disability Claims Review, 2014
FALSE! Women statistically are at much higher risk of becoming disabled.
Council for Disability Awareness
Council for Disability Awareness
National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2012 Edition
National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2010 Edition
TRUE! Just ask any bankruptcy attorney!
Illness and Injury as Contributors to Bankruptcy, Health Affairs, February 2, 2005
National Underwriter, 2002
FALSE! This is a common misconception.
Council for Disability Awareness
TRUE! The rules for approval are very strict
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Program, 2022
TRUE! Could you pay YOUR bills on that?
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Program, 2022
TRUE! Could you go that long without a paycheck?
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Program, 2022
FALSE! Social Security defines "disability" as "UNABLE TO PERFORM ANY OCCUPATION, and the disability must be TOTAL and PERMANENT and or likely to result in death."
Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Program, 2022
All Injuries or Illnesses on or off the job that disrupt your ability to earn a living, your "paycheck." Many things can cause a disability:
W2 employees: 60-67% of your earned income.
Business owners: Up to 80% of your earned income, including salary and corporate distributions if your business is an S-Corp or LLC.
NO! Disability benefits are 100% TAX-FREE!
After a 30, 60, 90 or 180 day elimination period (waiting)
2-5 Years per incident or to age 65, 67 Or 70.
About 2-3% of your gross income to protect 60-80% of your earned income TAX-FREE.
BASIC: Unable to perform the necessary duties of your occupation or any other occupation, which you could be reasonably expected to do - based on your knowledge, training, education, and experience.
OWN OCCUPATION: Unable to perform the necessary duties of YOUR actual specific occupation or profession.
DELUXE OWN OCCUPATION: Unable to perform the necessary duties of YOUR specific occupation or profession. You can still be paid FULL benefits and be on claim - AND be earning income at a different job and occupation at the same time. "Double Dipping."
Ask about our popular "RETURN OF PREMIUM" rider or (ROP), which REFUNDS 100% of your premiums back TAX-FREE at age 67 when the contract ends - if you haven't had any claims. THAT'S INCOME PROTECTION IF YOU NEED IT - ALL YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DON'T! It's like a forced savings account with peace-of-mind!
Sean is one of our very top valued clients. Listen to Sean share why he feels disability insurance is so important to protect his income, his family, his business and his employees and how he feels about working with us at Radwick Financial Group.
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